Student Discord Questions Answered from February 2024

Discord questions February 2024

Honors class

02/07/2024 12:39 PM

If you have Anemia is donating plasma beneficial or is it still not recommended?

Likely not great due to losing more iron and other things in your blood even though they aren’t taking from the red blood cell content.

02/13/2024 9:51 AM

Should there be more of a push for cardiovascular training in weightlifting programs since someone’s cardio can become a limiting factor to really heavy lifts?

Yes to a point where you are in shape enough to make it so your muscles are more frequently the limiting factor, but at maximal lifts you will never had the cardiovascular ability to support true maximal weights metabolic demands.

Ex phys

02/05/2024 9:46 PM

When someone is looking to quickly increase the mile time or 2 mile time. They want to increase not only their cardiovascular endurance but also their muscular endurance. Would it be smart to work on increasing their VO2 max first before working on actually getting good at running?

You will likely do both at the same time and good programming should address all of the limiting factors. Though do think to prioritize what you can make the most progress in the fastest when it comes to increasing performance.

02/07/2024 12:24 PM

Can you explain the importance of ADH? Why is it increased during exercise?

The hormone is about fluid retention so if you are sweating you don’t need to be doubling your fluid losses through urine as well.

02/14/2024 5:29 PM

How can lactic acid be good or bad for exercise? Can you explain  how the body uses it for energy?

Lactate is a 3 carbon sugar which can be used for aerobic metabolism, some of it is good as an efficient fuel source the problem is the proton that comes with it and when you pH drops low enough the enzymes for glycolysis start to unfold and no longer function. Any cell that has mitochondria can use lactate as a fuel as well.

02/16/2024 10:51 PM

If self-talk is a psychological aspect of reducing fatigue; can listening to music before or during a workout also do this?

You are looking at more of what systemic fatigue is as well as sympathetic nervous system activation which can influence performance and music and other stimuli will activate this to a degree.

— Yesterday at 3:15 PM

Are first responders taught how to deal with their high levels of epinephrine after an accident? Is there any protocols to watching them or helping them after being in their fight or flight response?

Yes in a number of ways, taught in school about it and then how they do after action reports and the time that they are given to decompress before chatting about the events.


02/07/2024 12:25 PM

Can you explain the difference between a negative energy balance and a positive energy balance? How do they relate to performance and nutrition?

It comes down to a general decreasing on the total net calories in the human body or increasing it. When in a deficit you have to lose those calories form somewhere in the positive you have to add them somewhere and that is what matters.

— 02/09/2024 10:14 PM

If you’re working out in the evenings, is drinking a carbohydrate less effective than in the mornings due to your body being less sensitive to insulin in the evenings?

The working out itself will make your more sensitive to carbs so if you are training hard enough that you are really burning carbs adding more in will be useful.

— 02/14/2024 5:31 PM

What is gastric jostling? Why do we see this as a GI problem during and after exercise?

Literal bouncing of you stomach due to things like running and made worse with lots of food in there that is heavy. Turns out that bouncing is stressing tissues plain and simple.

— 02/17/2024 2:21 PM

If you don’t have enough receptors or sodium available, will your body prioritize taking in glucose or galactose?

It is a symporter so sodium expedites your uptake of glucose. They work together not in opposition.

— Yesterday at 3:13 PM

What happens if your microbiome is being wiped out consistently from antibiotics? Will your body adapt to it or decline in its health?

Still figuring it out but it might have a slight and I mean slight negative effect on health. Your body will be recolonized at some point, so the question is what strains are the ones that recolonize your gut?

Honors Class Student Questions March 2024

25Is it possible for one to adapt to having a shorter sleep schedule? Or somehow repair muscle quicker than normal in their sleep? Can being mentally tired also affect one physically as if they were going to the gym? Is it ok to use medicine like melatonin to catch up on sleep, even if it becomes hard to sleep without it?

No, not how that works. This amount of tired will likely decrease the potential for maximal outputs. You can use supplements to help with sleep, but the key is to avoid a dependency and knowing if what you are taking is one of those components that people tend to become dependent upon.

02/01/2024 7:36 PM

If someone has trained long enough for all the muscles that can experience stretch mediated hypertrophy (sarcomeregenesis) have, should they still emphasize holding a large stretch for each exercise?

Yes, or just being sure to use a full range and get in to the stretch at the end range of the movement.

02/07/2024 12:39 PM

If you have Anemia is donating plasma beneficial or is it still not recommended?

I’d avoid it, you likely are losing some iron in that plasma which in turn will be decreasing the pool you have to pull from for making more RBCs.

02/13/2024 9:51 AM

Should there be more of a push for cardiovascular training in weightlifting programs since someone’s cardio can become a limiting factor to really heavy lifts?

Maybe, but this is a bigger issue with high rep training so it matters more for things like bodybuilding.

02/27/2024 6:04 PM

What would be the best way to stretch the hamstrings for someone with sciatica since most stretches require too much lumbar flexion?

Find a posture that biases you in to stretching the hamstring or by doing movements like RDLs and Good mornings (with negligible weight or just body weight and use that to help mobilize).

Yesterday at 12:13 PM

This is definitely more of a opinion question but we were talking about how brain transplants are not possible in class and we looked up if it was possible if you would completely take on the other persons personality you are taking the brain from and there was a lot of mixed answers of yes & no.

So what do you think would happen if someone got a brain transplant?

If you could literally swap with another person’s brain essentially you would be that other person. Your brain is specific to you and your experiences unless they can figure out an “altered carbon” approach to upload and swap minds that brain would then be operating a new and different bone mech (body).

Ex Phys Student Questions and Answers March 2024

Do professional athletes tend to get VO2max tests to know their maximal oxygen intake? Can they base their training off of this? Would this be beneficial?

Some do, but not all. This does help inform training choices from threshold training and intensity needed to increase different physiological emphases.

03/01/2024 10:45 AM

What would someone’s body look like if they had the best mechanically efficient levers for Marathon running, versus deadlifting?

Marathon – long legs, short torso, super narrow body

Deadlifter – crazy long arms and big hands, short legs and torso

03/01/2024 10:53 AM

what the heck is angle , and how can it effect strength/endurance? Also, does it have advantages in certain movements such as concentric, eccentric, and isometric?

Not sure what you mean, but you might mean q angle and that is about hip width and femur angles and the bigger here the harder on your joints for cardio. This wider base might be better for rotation and change of direction due to a wider base.

03/06/2024 8:46 AM

Does heart rate increase when in a room that is the same temperature or hotter than your body? Why is it hard to breathe in those conditions?

If it gets warm enough that you need to sweat then heart rate will go up some. The air can be dryer or more humid which when it gets over body temp that can feel weird and a bit more resistive. Cold air is more likely to cause respiratory stress due to trying to increase the temp of that air immediately.

03/06/2024 9:35 PM

How would program for someone with a high resting heart rate from being obese? Would being obese also have an effect on their stroke volume

Start conservative since the body is working hard at rest to maintain life and likely they will be able to tolerate far less work. Obesity wouldn’t really negatively effect stroke volume but it still needs to improve due to training like everything else.

02/29/2024 6:46 PM

How can we increase our metabolism in order for an individual to help lose weight?

This isn’t a real thing to do safely. You could use cocaine, meth or other stimulants to increase resting metabolic rates or take a lot T3 and T4 to really ramp your metabolism.

03/01/2024 10:46 AM

When a person loses a bunch of weight, does their metabolism increase or decrease? other than the exercise having an effect on it does them solely losing weight have an effect on their metabolism?

Tends to decrease from where it was before. As they shrink in size they literally have less maintenance demands on their body due to less tissue and a number of tissues decrease their typical demands due to adaptation to lower availability. This in turn makes it harder for folks to keep the weight off.

03/06/2024 9:37 PM

Why is HDL better than LDL for the body? Is it the structure or what they are made of?

It is in fact the structure which effects the property, essentially HDL is getting removed and LDL is getting added to the cholesterol pool. LDL is more likely to start to attach to form plaques inside of your vasculature hence the bigger issue with it.

— 03/20/2024 3:45 PM

What are the branched-chain amino acids?

Class of amino acids that have a simply branched carbon back bone (made up of three different ones (leucine, isoleucine, and valine)) with not other really special chemistry to them (nitrogen groups, carboxylic acid group, sulfur, etc.).

03/21/2024 12:51 PM

Why is it trans fats are bad? What about them makes them unhealthy?

They jack with cholesterol levels, increase inflammation, and mess up cell membrane integrity which altogether decreases health.

03/21/2024 6:33 PM

How does the balance between protein intake, protein synthesis (anabolic processes), and protein breakdown (catabolic processes) influence overall energy balance and metabolic regulation?

Protein is made up of calories as well as important for a number of components in the body. This turnover is important for maintenance of cell functioning. A deficit likely causes a loss in lean mass which in turn tends to decrease calorie needs and the vice versa tends to be true.

03/27/2024 5:15 PM

How long does it take for water to get into your blood and joints?

To get in the blood maybe 5 minutes give or take and the joints and other peripheral tissues might take 15 minutes or more. If you are sweating when this is happening then likely never really making it to the joints in a meaningful way.

03/28/2024 1:27 PM

What times in the day are best for protein intake? What would you do to split up your protein intake throughout the day?

Evenly throughout the day from waking until bed divided evenly between 4 doses (can go more but not necessary)

04/03/2024 12:12 PM

What would you say is the best diet for a sedentary person who doesn’t work out to have? Should they cut carbs out of their diet or not?

Whatever is sustainable that is getting in all of their needed macros and micros. There is nothing really specific here, nearly anything works. You can keep in carbs or cut them it doesn’t really matter since they aren’t stressing their body in a way to make different macros and micros more important.

Student Questions and Answers for Bioenergetics

How would you maximize your endocrine system for long distance running? What would change?

You can start by looking at the drugs that these athletes will use for performance that are hormone based like EPO, Test, and maybe even play with HGH for enhanced recovery. Increasing thyroid hormones could potentially help, the goal is the EPO stimulates more RBC production which in turn helps aerobic performance and the tests and growth enhances recovery. The T3 and T4 will increase your metabolic rate and perhaps make it easier to perform high intensity aerobic work. You are really just trying to redline your physiology to perform a bit better.

03/28/2024 1:26 PM

Does the aerobic fitness genetics from the mother in a person affect if they have a risk of heart disease or heart attacks?

Your genetics effect your risk factors for pretty much everything.  Both parents matter here, the key is the mitochondria only comes from your mom.

04/03/2024 12:14 PM

What do you think would be the best exercise intensity to start a college freshman for football at for power? How many sets and reps as well?

The percentage really doesn’t matter so much as the effort. For high intensity power exercises (not low intensity like jumping rope) good place to start at is 15-25 contacts so essentially 5 sets of 3 up to maybe 5 sets of 5 and really track their fatigue drop off between sets and then recovery from the session to inform you if more or less is needed.

04/03/2024 12:55 PM

Does flexibility have any effect on muscle hypertrophy potential?

Yes, since heavy load in a stretched position helps with increasing muscle growth it is important to go to end range, so potentially someone who is hyper mobile might miss out on some growth due to never really being able to get in to a full stretched position and someone who is super tight might not be able to get in a position where the moment arm and in turn the load is large enough to really cause disruption.

Yesterday at 4:40 PM

How would you create a program to help efficiently acclimate an outdoor athlete to summer weather conditions? Especially if they travel to a location that has less optimal weather conditions compared to their training location.

If you are looking at changes in heat one direction or the other then change up the clothing you can to increase whatever type of thermic stress you can have them encountering. This means wearing more or less clothes to mimic the temp they will feel as best as you can. Then increase that intensity over at least a full week before you leave preferably 2 weeks.

Fall 2023 Discord Student Questions

These are the discord questions from my students in the fall of 2023

We’ve been talking about programming for sports, but how do you program for a person in multiple sports that demand different energy systems and muscle fibers?

This becomes more challenging in that if they are playing those sports in sequence then you try to figure what are the reoccurring theme between each sport and make sure this is part of the program. Then when they are in the sports season give them more maintenance work depending on training age and in the later part of the season start to address what that sport is not doing to prepare them for the following.

If testosterone is a hormone that we naturally increase during exercise, to what extent does it increase in males if one had at least 4 days of intense exercise a week? Does the level of testosterone fluctuate depending on how hard the exercise is or if the person stops exercising for a time?

It only increases slightly, but there is some debate on either side as to how much this might increase overall performance gains. Your second parts are correct in that the intensity has to be high and by the nature of that the duration can’t be as long. Your base level of test is likely to have a larger effect than any of these training effects.

With a diabetic athlete, would the training program look different since the individual is unable to regulate their insulin levels, especially with intense exercise for sports?

Not really, the key is to make sure that they are taking the necessary steps and precautions to avoid low blood sugar events. You can be a high level athlete in a number of sports as a diabetic, but you just need to be far more vigilant about tracking blood sugars than any other athlete normally needs to worry about.

Why is it that as we get older, it seems quite a bit harder to maintain body weight or even lose it? Is this because our activity levels go down or because the metabolic rate requirements begin to change?

Quite complicated here, 1 people tend to be less active, 2 they tend to have less muscle mass which decreases their resting metabolic rate, 3 there can be a decrease in thyroid hormones, 4 most people tend to gain weight due to a combination of less activity while still maintaining the same caloric intake as they did when they were younger and specifically still growing.

Is there a rate at which the lactate threshold increases which training? Is there certain exercises that are more effective at raising the limit? Is it similar to strength training as to where it’s easier for beginners that have a low lactate threshold to raise it at a quicker rate than someone who is already been training and in good condition?

It does increase, but it does so slowly with deliberate training. You need to do work that generates lactate then decrease the intensity somewhat to enhance the ability to clear it. This is hard training that is challenging throughout and yes someone who is not in as good of shape will make progress much more quickly doing this training.

Does the amount of calories burnt during exercise change as your body becomes accustomed to it? For example, would someone burn more calories their first time running a mile versus their 1000th?

Yes, we become more efficient at anything you do over and over again. The only wrinkly here is how their body weight changes over time. It took all of us less calories to walk a mile when we were 10 years old than today due to increased body mass. Calories per pound of weight will decrease though.

What happens if we dry- heave instead of vomit after a workout? Is the physiological functions still the same or is a signal not making it to release everything else to make us vomit?

This essentially doesn’t get the resolution so arguably it is just under the threshold required to vomit. Think of it as you didn’t hit the threshold to cause vomiting but you got very close.

Do all cases of tachycardia lack a vagus nerve?

No, some involve issues with the sympathetic system or the nervous system in general as well as possible thyroid issues for starters.

Hi! How do you find the resolution of a vector? I am having a hard time understanding the book.

This is where you split the vector in to its components, think your vertical and horizontal forces.

Hi! How do you solve a problem including static friction and dynamic friction? I can’t figure it out on the exam 1 review guide.

Static friction is what you have to overcome to get an object moving, dynamic friction is the friction forces required to keep an object moving.

Hi! How do you know when you go from the Wind Up phase to the Force Producing phase? What characteristics show you that you are starting to produce force?

The wind up is typically a lengthening phase to use some of the elastic components of the body and the force producing is the shortening phase where we are using our muscles to perform an exercise quickly.

When talking about rebound energy, does something always have to have some sort of force onto another object to have rebound with it? Or can both objects have enough force when coming at each other to create that sort of rebound?

Not a bad way to conceptualize it, the key is the ability of the object to essentially redirect its force in one direction or another. So this can be a moving object hitting a stationary object or two objects moving towards each other.

In beach volleyball we are taught to serve a ball with no spin, which is called a float serve. It’s where you have to make perfect contact on your palm and you stop your hand after you make contact to prevent spin and therefore makes it float. How does the ball float with this contact?

This is more of what occurs with the knuckleball in baseball pitching where giving it no spin you still have the natural drag of the ball going through the air and the asymmetry due to the seams which in turn will cause little to no movement.

What is stability in a biomechanical sense and how does it vary with size, morphology, pathology, etc?

This is resistance to being knocked over or toppled. Something that is more stable is hard to knock over imply. Bigger, heavier, and lower center of gravity objects are harder to topple.

Is no activity 100% anaerobic or aerobic because of the breaks we need in between ?

Yes, remember we are always using every energy system. The key is what energy system are we utilizing the most of.

Why do we need to use gravity in the KE formula when its talking about sliding a box? I don’t understand how we are needed to go against gravity and the mass of the box.

Kinetic energy doesn’t require this whatsoever (gravity that is), however friction does require it since the object is sliding along a surface. You might be misreading the question.

What limits speed or other aspects of athleticism, at any level(s)?

A number of things, fiber type, muscle attachments, mass of the object, drag when moving, optimal timing of muscular contraction.

How does sodium play into our heart rate being sped up or out of rhythm?

You can have issues with having not enough and perhaps too much. It really comes down to how much is in solution with the water you are ingesting.

Why do infections such as the flu, cause body soreness/fatigue? Is this related to the respiratory system not being as effective, therefore not being able to supply the muscles with enough oxygen?

Your body is releasing a lot of inflammatory cytokines which in turn cause discomfort as well as increased body temperature can be part of what is causing the brain fog. It does not have to do with the respiratory system.

For those with the sickle cell trait, what causes the most issues? Is it the inability to carry enough oxygen on each red blood cell, the physical shape of the cells clogging blood vessels, early death of RBC, etc.?

It is the destruction of the red blood cells under stressful conditions which in turn causes issues with oxygen carrying capacity.

Expanding upon space questions. How is the respiratory system affected by lower gravity, is the severity of the flu or any respiratory infection influenced by being in space? Is there any change to how our body pumps blood in a no gravity environment?

It isn’t negatively effected it is all air pressure. The act of breathing requires very little force production.

Is it because that we don’t humidify our are when breathing through out mouth that we may get set sick when we sleep with our our mouth open at night and  a fan on ?

More of drying out the passages due to a lack of humidity in the air, not so much having our mouth open.

How do cycles of raising and lowering the HR affect the body and its energy systems? (like when students will go from the sauna to cold shower) Also, does extreme change like this effect the sympathetic nervous system and ability to recover post workout?

Increase metabolic demands is really it and likely get you to switch to emphasize certain different systems. You can have an effect on your ANS from hot and cold therapy. It is a hermetic stressor so you want to apply enough that it actually helps you get better, but not too much that it does damage to your body. The heart rate changes during to heat makes you heart work harder which likely has a positive effect on your cardiovascular fitness but not the effects on the muscles of interest.

Are they able to diagnose the sudden death in athletes due to hypertrophy of the lung muscles before death? If so, is there anything they can do to treat it?

It is heart muscle and yes, that is why athletes in certain programs undergo an EKG and ultrasound before they are allowed to participate. When this is identified then the athlete is monitored and their training volume is reduced for their own safety.

We know that a lowered heart rate is an effect of maximal training and physical fitness, but is it possible for this heart rate to get too low? If so, what are the effects?

Yes, this is more due to arrythmias of the heart like a nonfunctioning SA node or some near death cardiac failure patients which unfortunately happens.

what are the potential benefits and risks associated with the Valsalva maneuver in resistance training?

This increases your core stability but also you blood pressure. So this allows you to lift heavier loads that you need to stabilize through your core, but does so at the cost of potentially greatly increasing your blood pressure which can results in issues with individuals that aren’t as healthy and have high blood pressure.

How does the body acclimate to increased altitudes? Don’t they take NFL players to the Denver stadium a few days earlier so their bodies have time to acclimate to the elevation?

You increase your RBC count, blood fluid volume, and occasionally your acid base tolerance. You don’t make huge progress if you are only exposed to elevation for a few days, but the fluid shift might start to happen before those games.

Why is it that when taking a hot shower, sometimes blood pressure can suddenly drop causing people to pass out? Is this due to a vascular issue or does it have something to do with the temperature of the water that the person is in?

You are vasodilating to the skin due to the heat on your skin and your body trying to use evaporation to cool you. The opposite happens with vasoconstriction from cold showers. That rapid vasodilation can cause blood pressure to drop quickly especially if people aren’t in as good of condition.

If our resting heart rate decreases roughly 1 beat/min per week of training. How much adipose tissue would you have to roughly gain to offset or increase the resting heart rate while training? Is it hard to achieve this or easy if the diet isn’t closely looked at?

Good question, it would likely need to be something like at least 4 lbs. due to the low metabolic needs of fat at rest. If you are exercising for health likely this would be hard to do on accident.

How will we know how long our physical peak will lasts ? Tests wise or could we just take a blood test and estimate it ?

Not exactly sure what you are asking here. You can hold high levels of performance for months if you do it right and are young enough with training. True peaks are things you do for infrequent competitions and can only like hold that performance for a week or less. When you peak you decrease the stress on your body which naturally when you remove stress for too long you go backwards, and when you apply that stress again to your body a bit of that fatigue will be masking your fitness.

Is there a way to find out what temperature would make it metabolically demanding to sit in a sauna? or should we just go in there with a heart monitor to compare?

Most recommendation for sauna use for health is typically a temp at 170 degrees Fahrenheit or higher.

Why is it that some people sweat more than others? Does this have something to do with their body’s ability to thermoregulate more efficiently?

Genetics, training, and body size. Some folks sweat more genetically in shape people sweat more than sedentary controls, and larger bodies sweat more than smaller ones.

What are the physiological differences between acclimating to weather and acclimating to altitude?

One involves dealing with heat or cold, the other is about partial pressure of oxygen.

How do the different types of levers contribute to efficient movement in sports or daily activities ?

The mechanical efficiency with movements and how certain muscle groups need to be much larger than others in order to perform. Specifically you can look at how big calves are typically compared to quads due to their very different mechanical efficiencies.

Hi! What is the relationship between inertia and the radius of gyration?

Greater the radius the greater the inertia

Hi! Can the cervical region of the spine have kyphosis? Or is it just included in the diagnosis of kyphosis?

Yes, it is simply an excessive curvature of a segment of the spine which will be different depending on the section you are examining.

Hi! Can spondylolysis develop into spondylolisthesis? yes

Hi! Can you explain what Tangential acceleration is? I am getting it confused with radial acceleration.

Radial is the acceleration from the spin, tangential is what is the acceleration if we took that spin and immediately converted it to linear motion. A good example of this is a sling where the angular velocity immediately converts to linear velocity.

Hi! Can you explain the strain formula and how it would be used to solve a problem? Where would you find the stress or volume?

Strain is showing us how much the size of something changed due to the forces applied to it. Stress is how much force you are applying to it.

Hi! What is the difference between the parallel elastic and series elastic components in a muscle?

Series is your tendons and parallel is your muscle itself.

When gym goes that start because of heartbreak/difficult times is that still bad stress stimulus to have or it could help a little bit?

Hard to answer, if it helps center you and make you feel better yes, but if it makes you try for a 100lbs. bench PR as a way to natural select yourself then no.

When dealing with thermoregulation during exercises, how do things like humidity and UV affect regulation? Does the humidity affect those with more adipose tissue more?

UV is really just radiation which can obviously increase temperature depending on the intensity. The humidity is a bigger issue because the higher it is the lower the effectiveness of evaporation to lower body temperature (sweating). Having more fat isn’t necessarily going to make this harder, it is the greater cross sectional area relative to surface area that makes it harder to change the temperature of that segment. So being bigger in general will make it harder to cool down relative to a smaller individual.

When abusing steroids post-injury, we talked in class about an increased rate of healing, but are the muscle fibers fully healed? Is the muscle weaker or unable to get back to peak performance if anabolic steroids were used? Muscle fibers have to have adequate time to heal, so if the athlete didn’t give it enough time then is the athlete truly able to get back to 100% or is the muscle always going to be slightly weaker due to an expedited healing time?

If you are using anabolics, and specifically super physiological amounts, then you will find that your muscle recovers much faster than a normal person. This will allow you to do more damage to then get more productive changes from it. Whereas your connective tissues typically don’t recover as quickly as your muscle tissues so this in turn will cause you to not make the progress with your joints and tendons where you increase your risk of injury to those segments.

Are anabolic steroids useful for underweight individuals or people who need more weight and muscle mass to be within a normal limit?

They work, but they short cut what otherwise you aren’t gaining from doing productive training and learning what you need to do to improve your physicality. The issue here is that people are using these instead of training correctly. In certain wasting disease anabolics can be a great solution to muscle wasting and in turn increase quality of life.

How long do you think it will take for our spines to hunch over because of our cellphone and technology usage over the years growing up?

Hard to say, I wonder if posture in this generation will be worse than previous generations due to this postural choice being made.

How do Anabolic and Androgenic effects contribute to muscle growth and the development of secondary sexual characteristics?

Testosterone and its intermediaries bind to their designated receptors throughout the body causing gene expression to  increase and in turn create more of certain proteins which provides the increase in lean mass and the secondary sex characteristics.

What causes people to pass out after shots, getting blood drawn, or IVs?

Usually a vasovagal response in that their body drops their blood pressure aggressively (parasympathetic over storm) in now that the blood supply to the brain is much lower they lose consciousness.

What happens in the body during an allergic reaction? Why does our body begin to swell and have hives?

You immune system reacts intensely to the pathogen and in turn causes changes in the blood flow to areas through the typical vaso constriction or vaso dialiation with more inflammatory markers being released in that area (antibodies) which in turn causes those tissues to react in ways they would not normally.

How does antibiotics work in the body and can people have an allergic reaction to it?

They are literal compounds that kill cells, something that is toxic to them. It can unlink certain essential processes in cells. Yes, people can be allergic to them along with a variety of other chemicals.

Discuss the interplay between gut microbiota, exercise, and metabolic health, exploring potential implications for performance and recovery?

Well they all matter and influence one another. The bigger key for now is to focus on what you can control and to make sure that you are not doing more exercise than you body can recover from and you are missing important inputs with sleep and nutrition as well making large impacts on recovery.

Are there other ways to figure out a athlete could have amenorrhea or is the running intensity demand the main leading cause? Like is there a way to find out before they start a sport so they are more aware/ prepared?

Key is to make sure you don’t have an energetic insufficiencies situation or missing certain micronutrients. This can be caused by just a lack of intake, or massive demands that the intake is inadequate for, both will lead to the same problems (or similar)

How would auto-regulation apply to a rehabilitation program for an injured middle-aged person? Would it essentially be the same?

This allows your rehab program to advance at the rate that is sufficient and specific to what the patient needs. If they aren’t making the progress you want then you can decrease the progression rate and vice versa. It really is the same, you make progress and the program should adapt to the individual rates of change.

Discord Student Questions from the Fall of 2023

Discord Questions from August – these are questions that my students posed to me out of interest that were related tot he courses I was teaching.

  1. I have a question regarding the number of muscle fibers in the organs on the GI tract. Would say someone who eats 50% less than me have less muscle in their GI tract organs compared to my organs? Is there also a way to increase your muscle count and mass in organs in our body?

Actually, this does happen in training with weight changes. When people are on caloric restriction they decrease the size of their GI to a certain degree (not a 5+ lbs. swing), but still they decrease the lean mass in their trunk through slight atrophy of their GI. The same thing happens when people are bulking and literally have more calories to digest and the GI increases in size to compensate for it.

  • Are different periodization models better/more effective for different body types?

              They body type thing isn’t a real thing. Instead think of it as their training status. Someone who is a rank beginner will do better with simple linear periodization until that no longer works then you either reset or start playing with an approach like undulating or wave periodization.

  • I know that different people with different activity levels and body types, will use different amounts of energy through daily life, but would a patient receiving cancer treatments such as chemo and radiation use more ATP/energy in their day-to-day tasks because their bodies are trying to recover from the treatments and heal their bodies from the trauma caused? Also, would those patients use more ATP/energy because their immune system is having to fight so hard to rid their body of the cancerous cells?

Likely they would use less energy due to the fatigue and brutal reality of radiation and chemo therapy. This does give some increased demands, but people undergoing chemo typically don’t work out. So the demands of the repair needed to the body might be increased, but overall activity is way lower.

  • On Monday we mentioned heat and core body temperature. The more tissue and muscle we have it increases the rate at while our body will heat up. Is there a certain equation or rate that our body is quicker to heat up to per 1 lbs of muscle or tissue? I ask because I’m significantly more warmer than my roommates who don’t work out or have a lot of adipose tissue. They always want our apartment to be warmer when I will sweat all night if I did. Thank you

So in this situation muscle is a lot more metabolically active which in turn increases the amount of heat that they produce but only when being used. Fat is insulative, but doesn’t really generate much heat itself. You are also looking at things like resting metabolic rates and muscle tone that are complicating this matter even more so.

  • Is it possible for people to adapt to different energy systems depending on the type of exercise they do most often? For example, would a marathoner have a better oxidative system than someone who throws shotput? Or are both energy systems functioning in the same way?

You will improve the energy systems in the cells you are using with the energy system you are utilizing. So the each system works in the same way, but you will increase the amount of enzymes in that energy system, mitochondria if we are talking about aerobic systems, and storages of the nutrients used in that energy system. That is how the cells improve. We also can increase the ability to deliver nutrients and deal with waste products (for lack of a better term) as well of the energy systems we are using.

  • Do mental health issues (anxiety, depression, etc.) influence the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems in athletes? If so, how great of a role does this have in performance?

Yes, anxiety being more of a sympathetic state which can not only cause poor play, but poor recovery due to not being able to relax very well. With depression you are looking at more of parasympathetic state which makes it hard to get excited for high intensity work due to being more rate limited. If you aren’t feeling your best for whatever reason, you won’t be performing or recovering at your best is the simple way to think of it.

Ride the Lightning Benching Program

This is a program designed to help a friend work towards building up to a 400lbs bench and a 225 military press. The goal is to go after the military press max first then on to work towards the bench press. The upper training is meant to be the priority and the lower is meant to just stay where he is at and maybe move just a little bit forward.

Aim to really focus on increasing volume in the upper body and do the bare minimum with the lower. If you aren’t really getting sore from the lower training that can be fine, but you should have some dysfunction at the end of your upper days and more frequently have some soreness after training on these days as well.

Day 1: Bench emphasis

Close grip bench press – strength programming for 2-5 reps aim for high prillipen numbers for volume here. Work up to a top set of 3-5 then drop off 5% and match the total reps for 2-4 sets depending on fatigue from those sets. Aim to keep the total sets here similar through a meso cycle. Push the assistance movement volume for hypertrophy as the variable you change with time.

Elitefts bench bar work (moderate to wide grip) – sets of 8-15 reps initially then slowly decrease the reps here over the mesocycles with aggressive volume. Total set volume should be based on when you start to have some dysfunction, pump, and then track soreness the following days. Apply this logic to all of your assistance movements after the main movement.

Overhead skull crushers – sets of 6-12 reps and really get a stretch and hold a hard lockout at the top here.

Rows – barbell of dumbbell go heavy and touch lower on the chest in to the abdomen.

Rear delts or db lateral raises – pick either of these with high reps (10-20) and controlling the concentric and pause at the top and then control it down.

Day 2: Overhead Press Day

Overhead press work – training this movement for sets of 3-8 reps initially and try to get in some moderate volume here. Aim to get in straight sets here with 3-5×5, 2-3×8, or 4-6×3. Work on greasing the groove and do more straight sets here where you increase the load minimally week by week.

Db flat or low incline high rep work – sets of 10-20 reps and don’t be afraid to pause and hit a good stretch in the bottom here each time. Can also do alternating pressing (piston style) or combo press style (both arms, left arm, right arm) to get more time under tension and working on stability here as well.

Pull ups or lat pull downs – sets of 8-15, be sure to get a full stretch at the top each time and look through.

Skulls – can be with a barbell, dumbbell or done in the rolling fashion. Otherwise, just make sure you do this through a full range and really get a good stretch and lockout.

Rear delt work – facepulls, band pull aparts, Y raises, or any other upper back work and specifically cue the rear delts.

Day 3: Squat day

Squats – heavy work with sets of 3-8 reps, do an appropriate amount of volume here.

BSS – sets of 8-15 reps for likle 3-6 sets, can use DB, SSB or any other type of loading.

Abs – ab wheel or fallouts, can also do side bends or side planks as well.

Back extensions barbell rows – on the back extension row this up to your clavicle at the top then lower back down to touch the bottom and repeat. Aim for sets of 12-20

Rev hyper extensions – sets of 8-12 slow and strict.

Band tricep push downs 100 total reps in as few sets as possible

Day 4: Deadlifts and lower accessory

DE deadlifts – 8-20 singles from 60-80% of max deadlift, add chain or band resistance if you want. Aim to do this on the minute or even faster.

SSB squats – sets of 8-12, biggest range of motion you can handle and aim to do at least 3 working sets.

GHRs – sets of 6-12 reps, add weight as you need to and really work to trash the hamstrings on this one.

Abs – hanging leg raises or knee raises. Also you can do GHR sit ups or lateral sit ups here as well. Sets of 10-25+ reps, do try to add load and progression where you can.

Rev hype – sets of 15-20 reps, large range of motion and let it traction a bit along with aim to really go for the low back pump

Plate raises 100 total reps done in as few sets as possible.

Single leg movement maybe

Eric Program V2

Since his schedule is quite busy his goal is to train upper body on Tuesday and Thursday then train lower on Saturday and Sunday the goal is shift around the program to what is going to allow him to train frequently by dividing up the stressors so he is effectively training total body each day he is lifting weights

Day 1: Bench emphasis

Close grip bench press – strength programming for 2-5 reps aim for high prillipen numbers for volume here. Work up to a top set of 3-5 then drop off 5% and match the total reps for 2-4 sets depending on fatigue from those sets. Aim to keep the total sets here similar through a meso cycle. Push the assistance movement volume for hypertrophy as the variable you change with time.

Elitefts bench bar work (moderate to wide grip) – sets of 8-15 reps initially then slowly decrease the reps here over the mesocycles with aggressive volume. Total set volume should be based on when you start to have some dysfunction, pump, and then track soreness the following days. Apply this logic to all of your assistance movements after the main movement.

GHRs – sets of 6-12 reps, add weight as you need to and really work to trash the hamstrings on this one.

Abs – hanging leg raises or knee raises. Also you can do GHR sit ups or lateral sit ups here as well. Sets of 10-25+ reps, do try to add load and progression where you can.

Rev hype – sets of 15-20 reps, large range of motion and let it traction a bit along with aim to really go for the low back pump

Plate raises 100 total reps done in as few sets as possible.

Work in some band pull aparts and “no money” between sets of your pressing

Day 2: Overhead Press Emphasis Day

Overhead press work – training this movement for sets of 3-8 reps initially and try to get in some moderate volume here. Aim to get in straight sets here with 3-5×5, 2-3×8, or 4-6×3. Work on greasing the groove and do more straight sets here where you increase the load minimally week by week.

DE bench press – Change grips with each set and aim for 8-12×3 starting off with 50% + chains and then increase by 5% each week of the meso. Don’t be afraid to increase more loading or decrease depending on how you are responding to this work.

Db flat or low incline high rep work – sets of 10-20 reps and don’t be afraid to pause and hit a good stretch in the bottom here each time. Can also do alternating pressing (piston style) or combo press style (both arms, left arm, right arm) to get more time under tension and working on stability here as well.

Abs – ab wheel or fallouts, can also do side bends or side planks as well.

Back extensions barbell rows – on the back extension row this up to your clavicle at the top then lower back down to touch the bottom and repeat. Aim for sets of 12-20

Rev hyper extensions – sets of 8-12 slow and strict.

Work in some face pulls between some of your pressing work just to help keep your shoulders a bit happier.

Day 3: Squat Emphasis day

Squats – heavy work with sets of 3-8 reps, do an appropriate amount of volume here. Work up to a heavy set of around 5 reps then and

BSS – sets of 8-15 reps for likle 3-6 sets, can use DB, SSB or any other type of loading.

Pull ups or lat pull downs – sets of 8-15, be sure to get a full stretch at the top each time and look through.

Skulls – can be with a barbell, dumbbell or done in the rolling fashion. Otherwise, just make sure you do this through a full range and really get a good stretch and lockout.

Rear delt work – facepulls, band pull aparts, Y raises, or any other upper back work and specifically cue the rear delts.

Day 4: Deadlifts and lower accessory day

DE deadlifts – 8-20 singles from 60-80% of max deadlift, add chain or band resistance if you want. Aim to do this on the minute or even faster.

SSB squats – sets of 8-12, biggest range of motion you can handle and aim to do at least 3 working sets.

Overhead skull crushers – sets of 6-12 reps and really get a stretch and hold a hard lockout at the top here.

Rows – barbell of dumbbell go heavy and touch lower on the chest in to the abdomen.

DB lateral raises – high reps (10-20) and controlling the concentric and pause at the top and then control it down.

Band tricep push downs 100 total reps in as few sets as possible

GRAVY seals/Prepper training program

GRAVY seals/Prepper training program

I have been talking with friends about the GRAVY seals. Not to ever be mistaken with the navy SEALS. These are people that you can read about and I’m not trying to disparage them. Instead, my goal here is to write them a training program which would allow them to get in to enough physical condition where they are actually physically capable to do something. What this means is you need to train for long periods of time to increase performance. If your goal is to be part of a militia or to be a prepper, you need to be physically fit.

If the entire world shuts down and you are left with just your own equipment you need to be in good enough shape to carry that equipment and survive. Now this does mean carrying some body fat since if things go to pot you are going to need to have some caloric reserves, but not too much since this unneeded weight is going to make being physically active much harder to do. (I’d shoot for 15-20% body fat as a quick number here as well as carry above average amount of lean mass (most people who die of starvation die to a lack of protein reserves not fat reserves)). You won’t be able to rely on vehicles other than a bicycle to carry you over distances since it is likely that gasoline sources will dry up (get ready for the long haul here). You will need to be able to climb and scale small walls, crawl, pop up quickly, and do all of this while carrying supplies like good and water. With all of this in mind here are the basics of the program you need to keep in mind.


You are going to be covering a lot of ground on foot or by your own force production. At some point your vehicle will run out of gas, and pushing a truck is exhausting. This means being able to hike, bike, climb and occasionally swim are needed skills. You need to have good general cardiovascular health and then specific development. For this style of programming you really need to be active everyday and I would even say to go as far as you are walking for at least one hour everyday so your body and tissues are adapted to it. This training program would look like this:

1Hill sprints5-15 reps to startHigh to max on the way up and walk down the hill
2Walk1 hourLow
3RuckHalf hourModerate- start with a 5-10% of bodyweight pack and then add weight until you get to 30-70lbs. then increase distance or time
4Walk1 hourLow
5Jog-walk20 minutes to startModerate to high effort, aim to get to where you jog the whole time then increase the pace then the time
6SwimHalf hour or moreLow to moderate effort
7BikeHalf hour or moreLow to moderate effort

You can increase the distance of each of the exercises and feel free to remove one of the walks for biking to just help yourself build up your aerobic motor more without the impact. You can also replace the walks for another swim and even add the walks to other training days since your goal should be to increase your fitness to where walking is not exercise.


If the world goes to heck the chance to train in a real gym is over, but you can still build strength there while they are open. This means building a good base of strength to use and extra muscle mass, which is calorically expensive, but people who die of starvation can die from a lack of protein typically before they die from a lack of calories. Your basic training program will really just be three days per week of total body training which you could do back to back, but I would suggest training every other day as well as make sure you are only doing the exercises that your body can orthopedically handle.

Exercise 1Goblet squatKB swings or deadliftsSport specific split squat
Sets x reps4×105×55×10 each leg
Exercise 2Overhead pressIncline bench or pike push upsClose grip push ups
Sets x reps3-5×103-5×6-83-5×12+
Exercise 3Dumbbell rowsPull upsBody weight low rows
Sets x reps4-6×10-1220 reps (can just be negatives to start)4-6×10+
Exercise 4Pendley death marchBulgarian split squatsBack extensions
Sets x reps3-5 x 30 yards3-5×8-123-5×12-20
Exercise 5Glute medius raisesCalf raise seriesGlute ham raises
Sets x reps4 x 254 x 253-5×6-12
Exercise 6Planks each wayHanging leg raisesAb wheel
Sets x reps2 x :30 seconds50 reps split however you need to50 reps split however you need to
Exercise 7Vanity workVanity workVanity work
Sets x repsPump upPump upPump up

You can google each of the exercises pretty easily, aim to feel this in the target muscles and make sure you are using a full range of motion. Play around with your technique a bit to make sure you are feeling it in the muscles and not the joints. Some exercises like pull ups and pushups will be too advanced to start so you can make them easier by doing push ups with your hands elevated or using a bodyweight assistance machine for the pull ups. Track not just your progress with the sets and reps and the weights you can handle, but the soreness from your sessions. If you are training and not getting sore from the muscles used in the exercise then you should increase the number of sets that you are doing there. The rep number should be pretty close to technical failure, always try to leave one rep in the tank. The goal is consistent progress and every 4-6 weeks take a deload where you go light and do half the normal of sets and then repeat. Do the same type of deload with your cardio work and preferably do them all on the same week. If you are feeling really good on this add in some medball chest passes and box jumps, only 25 reps for the entire session (divided over at least 5 sets) and pick this as the first exercise you do in your workout or superset it with the first movement. Only do one jump or throw exercise each day. Always focus on quality of effort and performance each time. Always feel free to superset exercises to shorten your workout time and increase the metabolic training effect.


At some point you are going to have to squat down low, crawl, or get in to other positions to save yourself or others. Don’t be the gravy seal that needs a friend to pick something up off the ground since they can’t bend over to pick something up off the floor. This means doing mobility work throughout the week. Now as simple tests, you need to be able to squat down unassisted and stand back up low enough that you couldn’t pass a basketball under your hips. You need to be able to lunge and reach overhead without compensating. With a few movements that I will list in a moment and see what exercises you are most limited in and in what muscles and start attacking them. Three to four times per week spend 30 seconds in each position for at least three rounds of: full squat, couch stretch, pigeon pose, hanging from a bar to open the shoulders, calf wall stretch, downward dog, cobra pose, and try to get a back bend. You can add in other movements, but for now if you can get a high level of mobility in each of these you are limber enough to move and not get hurt after attaining a variety of positions.


Well in this future you will need to be able to live off the land, build shelter, start your own fire, fight/hunt, and a myriad of other skills. I’m not going to even attempt to show any ideas here other than definitely learn all you can and think critically about what skills and tactics are truly useful here. If anyone has some good references for this please leave a comment on this since I’m truly interested.


My goal here is to put together a basic training program to get someone in shape enough to actually do something if the time comes to actually get ready for the end of times. This means being physically fit enough to be able to rely on yourself. You can learn shooting skills in a month of disciplined work (enough to know the basics), but for some getting to the point they can run a mile in less than 7 minutes might take more than 6 months of disciplined training and eating. If you do too much too fast you can get injured and that makes you at best useless, at worst as a liability for those around you.

When it comes to being prepared you need to be self-reliant and not have any extraneous needs. This means having no addictions and preferably no needed medications to survive. If you have questions about this program and how I would address specific individuals needs please let me know. Thanks as always for reading and have a great day.

Training program for a cancer survivor.

Training program for a cancer survivor.

This is a simple training program aiming to train three days per week to start getting back in to shape after some hard health challenges. The goal is to just do some simple work on increasing muscle mass and work capacity as health improves. I’m training this person in person so I can see how they respond to this training. For now here is the basic set up. We aren’t pushing hard, they are now doing targeted immune therapy so they aren’t as beat down as they were on chemo, but the goal is to still minimize stress and slowly build function and work capacity on the total body. This person also has some scapular dysfunction so we are addressing it with some work in the planes needed.

Day 1

Warm up steady state cardio 5 minutes, then shoulder circles, hip circles and overall mobility work, each exercise do at least two sets to warm up the movement before doing any work sets. Control the negative and try to pause in the bottom. Be sure to fully lock out each rep and aim to be consistent with the movements as you do them.  Feel free to take up to two minutes off between each set. Try to increase the work sets every one to two weeks depending on soreness.

A1. Rear shrug in to row – start with 2 work sets aim for sets of 10-20 reps on all exercises unless it is otherwise noted.

A2. Band press with protraction – 2 work sets

A3. Bulgarian split squats – 3 work sets – as deep as you can go under control each time and eventually hold a weight with one hand. Do use one hand for balance on a rack to really overload the quads.

B1. Back extensions – 2 work sets

B2. Sit ups – 2 work sets

Day 2

Warm up

A1. Goblet squat – 2 work sets -biggest range of motion possible with a high chest and aim to push the knees out and it is ok to elevate the heels.

A2. Seated band pull downs with downward shrug – 2 work sets – shrug down at the bottom each time.

A3. Military press – 2 work sets – hold the top of the movement each time and try to shrug up against it

B1. Hip thrust or hamstring sliders – 2 work sets

B2. Hanging leg raise – 2 work sets – try to lift your knees as high as possible while hanging on the bar, if this won’t work then just pick any other ab exercise that will be tolerated.

Day 3

Warm up

RDL – 2 work sets -aim for a big stretch each time and really push back in to the tension in the glutes and hams.

Body weight low row on straps – 2 work sets and aim to get more parallel with the ground as your strength improves

Incline bench press or shoulder circuits – depends on how the pressing feels, if bad then do shoulder raises to the front, then side, then bent over with at least 10 reps per movement. 2 work sets

Straight leg raises – 2 work sets, do this on the ground.

Step ups or lunges – pick which feels better orthopedically and use as big of a range of motion as possible. 2 work sets

Conditioning – do what is tolerated and don’t worry about pushing yourself too hard. For extra credit work aim high resistance work on a seated bike or an elliptical and ride at a slow cadence against the high resistance for at least 10 minutes.

Each week track your soreness and if you aren’t getting any in the targeted muscles anymore than add one work set to that exercise the next time you come to it. Take your time, there is no race to getting back in health.