Jake’s Summer Program

Here is a simple training program aimed at increasing power output along with overall performance for a cheerleader at EKU. He is going to lift weights in the gym only twice per week due to his schedule so the rest of the week is about getting in some quality work in the form of bodyweight exercise.

Day 1

Week 1 2 3 4
DB snatch 5×5 sets x reps 4×6 increase wt. 3×8 inc. wt. 2×10 @70% week 1
Power Cleans 5×3 5×3  inc. wt 5×3 inc wt 5×3 inc wt
Squats 3×5 3×5 inc wt 3×5 inc wt 3×5 inc wt
Back extensions 3×20 4×20 4×25 5×20
Db curl to press 3×10 4×10 4×12 5×10
Band pull aparts 100 reps 100 reps 100 reps 100 reps
db pull overs 3×20 4×20 4×20 5×20


Day 2

Week 1 2 3 4
Push Press 3×5 3×5 inc wt 3×5 inc wt 3×5 inc wt
Hang Snatch 5×3 5×3  inc. wt 5×3 inc wt 5×3 inc wt
Deadlifts Up to a heavy x5 Up to a heavy x5 Up to a heavy x5 Up to a heavy x5
Bradford press 3×10 4×10 5×10 5×10
Db rows 3×10 4×10 5×10 5×10
Cable Pullovers 3×20 4×20 4×20 5×20


Body weight day

  Week 1 2 3 4
A1 Box Jumps or broad jumps 5×3 5×3 5×3 5×3
A2 Muscle ups 5×1-5 5×1-5 5×1-5 5×1-5
B1 Handstand push ups 4x rep out 4x rep out 4x rep out 4x rep out
B2 Chin ups/ pull ups 4 x rep out 4 x rep out 4 x rep out 4 x rep out
C1 Clapping push ups 5 x 5 5 x 5 5 x 5 5 x 5
C2 Walking lunges 5 x 20 steps each leg 5 x 20 steps each leg 5 x 20 steps each leg 5 x 20 steps each leg
D1 Jumping lunges 5×3 each leg 5×3 each leg 5×3 each leg 5×3 each leg
D2 Hanging leg raises 5×10-20 5×10-20 5×10-20 5×10-20


Outside of the gym you can also do overhead throws with a medicine ball and you can do your body weight day twice per week if you can handle it well. Do some hill sprints, car pushes, track sprints, or any other hard cardio you want 1-3x per week. On week 5 do only 60% of the total amounts of sets and reps you normally would do, but keep the weight the same and then on week 6 start back at week 1 on the program. Take as long as you need between sets on the weight lifting days and do not super set the first three movements, but you can do that on your body weight day.

Ming’s Summer Training Program

This is a program that I wrote for one of the guys on the cheer squad at EKU. He is a good athlete with a great work ethic. The goal is overall athletic improvement while we work on some posterior chain weakness and some imbalances in his upper body musculature. This is exactly what I sent him.

Day 1

Week 1 2 3 4
Box Jumps (sets x reps) 5×3 6×3 10×2 12×2
Back Squats 70% 5×5 75% 4×5 80% 3×5 65% x5
Back Extensions 3×20 4×20 5×20 2×20
DB Lunges (reps each leg) 3×12 4×12 5×12 2×12
Hanging Leg Raises 3×10+ 4×10+ 5×10+ 2×10
Planks (front, side, side) :30 each way :40 :50 :30
Optional hip thrusts 3×12 4×12 5×12 2×12


Day 2

Week 1 2 3 4
Medball toss (sets x reps) 5×3 6×3 10×2 12×2
Military press Up to a heavy 6 then -10% 2×5 Up to a heavy 5 then -10% 2×5 Up to a heavy 3 then -10% 2×5 Up to an easy set of 5
Pull ups 40 total reps 45 total reps 50 total reps 20 total reps
Handstand push ups 3x rep out 4x 5x 2x
Rowing exercise 3×12 4×12 5×12 2×12
Skull Crushers 4×10 5×10 6×10 3×10
Reverse Pec Deck 100 total reps 100 total reps 100 total reps 100 total reps


Day 3

Week 1 2 3 4
Seated box jumps (sets x reps) 5×3 6×3 10×2 12×2
Deadlift 70% 3×5 75% 3×5 70% x5, 75% x5, 80% x5+ 65% x5
Romanian Deadlift 3×10 4×10 5×10 2×10
Bulgarian Split squats (each leg) 3×15 4×15 5×15 2×15
Hanging Knee raises 3×15+ 4×15+ 5×15+ 2×15
Reverse Hypers 3×20 4×20 5×20 2×20
Optional Ab exercise Choice Choice Choice Choice


Day 4

Week 1 2 3 4
Medball chest pass (sets x reps) 5×3 6×3 10×2 12×2
Close grip bench press Up to a heavy 10 then -10% 2×10 Beat week 1 Up to a heavy 8 then -10% 2×10 Up to an easy set of 5
Rowing exercise 5×12 5×10 5×8 3×12
Dumbbell lateral raises 4×10 5×10 6×10 3×10
Overhead Skulls 4×12 5×12 6×12 3×12
Face pulls 100 total reps 100 total reps 100 total reps 100 total reps
Optional (Dips or hammer curls) 3×12 4×12 5×12 2×12


Conditioning Days

Tempo Runs – Go to a football field and run 80 yards across the field then walk to the back of the end zone and do ten reps of abs then get up and run from the goal line again for 80 yards and keep alternating like that for 10 minutes to start and build up to 25 minutes of it adding only one or two minutes each time. You can do this twice per week.

Hill Sprints – Find a steep and preferably long hill (a hill people use for sledding is typically your best bet) and run/sprint up it then walk back down and repeat this for 5-10 reps to start and then add another 1-2 reps each week. You can do this twice per week

Outside of those two options, just have fun. Feel free to go play sports like basketball for your conditioning or maybe go swimming.


Warm up and cool down before and after each training session. Be sure to take your time warming up with lighter set on your heavy movements and then what is outlined in the program is only the work sets. Thanks for taking the time to read this and let me know if you have any questions.


Pookie Swole Monster Training Program

After spending quality time working on max strength and then some time working on conditioning it is now time to switch up the program again and start working in a new direction. The goal now is to improve body composition by both decreasing body fat levels and increasing muscle mass. So with this in mind the reps per set are going to go up and the exercise selection is going to change with the intent to increase overall muscle mass and hopefully have a bit of fun doing it. On the main movement if she wants to test her strength she is more than welcome to do so, but the goal on all other exercises is to hit the same weight for each set and get all of her reps with good technique. When she can do this on a given exercise the load will be increased for the next workout. The goal now is to deload every 5th week instead of the previous every 4th since we aren’t handling as heavy of loads. Without further ado, here is the new program meant for training four days per week, but she can increase this up to 5 or 6 days. It is suggested that she go on long walks 4-6 days per week and can do hill sprints, swimming, or other conditioning 0-3 times per week depending on how she feels.

Day 1

Week 1 2 3 4 5
Front Squats, butt touches heels and pause at the top. 3×10 3×10 3×10 4×10 Deload light 2×10
Hanging leg Raises 3×10 3×10 3×10 4×10 Deload light 2×10
DB 1 leg RDLS 3×10 3×10 3×10 4×10 Deload light 2×10
Bulgarian Split Squats 3×20 3×20 3×20 4×20 Deload light 2×20
Calf Raises 3×20 3×20 3×20 4×20 Deload light 2×20
Planks 1:00 each way 1:00 each way 1:00 each way 1:00 each way :30 each way


Day 2

Week 1 2 3 4 5
Seated military press 3×10 3×10 3×10 4×10 Deload light 2×10
Pull ups 2x rep out 2x rep out 2x rep out 2x rep out 1x rep out
Lat pull downs 3×10 3×10 3×10 4×10 Deload light 2×10
Dips or dip machine 3×10 3×10 3×10 4×10 Deload light 2×10
Skull crushers 3×10 3×10 3×10 4×10 Deload light 2×10
Upright Rows 3×10 3×10 3×10 4×10 Deload light 2×10
Barbell curls 3×10 3×10 3×10 4×10 Deload light 2×10


Day 3

Week 1 2 3 4 5
Sumo deadlift 3×10 3×10 3×10 4×10 Deload light 2×10
Hanging knee raises 3×10 3×10 3×10 4×10 Deload light 2×10
Leg press or other quad exercise 3×20 3×20 3×20 4×20 Deload light 2×20
Back Extensions 3×20 3×20 3×20 4×20 Deload light 2×20
Calf Raises 3×20 3×20 3×20 4×20 Deload light 2×20
Ab wheel 3×20 3×20 3×20 4×20 Deload light 2×20


Day 4

Week 1 2 3 4 5
Incline bench press, pause each rep 3×10 3×10 3×10 4×10 Deload light 2×10
Db rows, pause at your ribs each rep 3×10 3×10 3×10 4×10 Deload light 2×10
DB bench press 3×10 3×10 3×10 4×10 Deload light 2×10
Machine rows or pull downs 3×10 3×10 3×10 4×10 Deload light 2×10
Overhand curls 3×10 3×10 3×10 4×10 Deload light 2×10
Overhead skull crushers 3×10 3×10 3×10 4×10 Deload light 2×10
Db laterals 3×10 3×10 3×10 4×10 Deload light 2×10


Tyler and I weak point training, Summer 2019

Currently we are both doing the bench assault to no more volume is needed on the upper body. Here is the basic program for Tyler with the lower body training it at least twice per week with an optional third day only if you are recovering well and feeling good with your training. Tyler’s program has in lots of low back work since that is his weak point so we are going to hammer it for a bit while we start trying to find a competition for him some time in the fall or winter.

Day 1

Week 1 2 3 4
Box Jumps 5×3 6×3 7×3 5×2
Back Squat 60% 5×10 67.5 3×10 75% rep out 65% x5
Hanging Leg Raises 50 total reps 60 total reps 70 total reps 30 total reps
RDLs 3×10 4×10 5×10 2×10
Planks :45 each way :50-55 :60 :30
GHR back extensions 3×20 4×20 5×20 2×20
Calves 4×20 5×20 6×20 3×20


Day 2

Week 1 2 3 4
Seated Box Jumps 6×2 8×2 10×2 5×2
Speed Squats 8×3 9×3 10×3 8×3 light
Deadlifts 60% 5×10 67.5% 3×10 Rep out 75% 65%x5
Step ups 3×12 4×12 5×12 2×12
Fall out abs 50 total reps 60 70 30
45 degree back extensions 3×20 3×20 add weight 3×20 add weight 2×20 bodyweight
Reverse Hypers 3×20 4×20 5×20 2×20


Optional Day 3

Week 1 2 3 4
Bulgarian Split Squats 3×15 4×15 5×15 2×10
GHRs 3×10+ 4×10+ 5×10+ 2×10
Shrugs 4×20 5×20 6×20 3×20
Sit ups 4×20 5×20 6×20 3×20
Forearm Training/ Grip Work 4×20 5×20 6×20 3×20
Calves 4×20 5×20 6×20 3×20


Here is my training program, which is nearly the same as Tyler’s only my major issue is a lack of quad strength hence a few exercises to make me work on it so I can’t hide from my weak points.

Day 1

Week 1 2 3 4
Box Jumps 5×3 6×3 7×3 5×2
Back Squat 60% 5×10 67.5 3×10 75% rep out 65% x5
Hanging Leg Raises 50 total reps 60 total reps 70 total reps 30 total reps
RDLs 3×10 4×10 5×10 2×10
Planks :45 each way :50-55 :60 :30
Front squats 3×10-12 4×10-12 5×10-12 2×10-12
Calf Raises 4×20 5×20 6×20 3×20


Day 2

Week 1 2 3 4
Seated Box Jumps 6×2 8×2 10×2 5×2
Speed Squats 8×3 9×3 10×3 8×3 light
Deadlifts 60% 5×10 67.5% 3×10 Rep out 75% 65%x5
Step ups 3×12 4×12 5×12 2×12
Fall out abs 50 total reps 60 70 30
Leg extensions 3×20 4×20 5×20 2×20
Reverse Hypers 3×20 4×20 5×20 2×20



Optional Day 3

Week 1 2 3 4
Bulgarian Split Squats 3×15 4×15 5×15 2×10
GHRs 3×10+ 4×10+ 5×10+ 2×10
Shrugs 4×20 5×20 6×20 3×20
Sit ups 4×20 5×20 6×20 3×20
Forearm Training/ Grip Work 4×20 5×20 6×20 3×20
Calves 4×20 5×20 6×20 3×20