Learning vs. Performance

Learning vs. Performance

When working with students it is importance to ask yourself; are having them learn or are you testing their performance. You can often get in fixed approach (or rut) where you are only testing abilities, and not spending enough time working on developing them. This is really apparent with the teaching to the test style approach to education you see quite frequently where we are teaching people to behave like google, not with the ability to think critically and apply principles. I want to help create individuals who can learn and improve through time, not people who are trying to be living search engines.

This is also applicable to training. You can get athletes that are only about testing their abilities, but aren’t putting in the time learning their craft and developing their abilities. I see this often in kids I am coaching where they aren’t interested in putting in reps of perfect practice, instead want to progress to harder skills or just max out each time on the exercise they are doing. Make sure you frame and remind them what it means to really develop an ability and what it means to just test it. Are they focused and refining or are they just trying to get through the work. When they hit the point where they are just trying to get through or survive you need to ask yourself: can they be re-centered where they are going to be able to make progress in that session? Or is it time to move on, since they aren’t going to be able to deliver on a high enough level of focus and deliberate attention where their practice is really going to make them perform any better.

Learning and developing skills take time and it isn’t as much fun as simply progressing to try new and exciting techniques. Ask yourself if you are testing skills or developing them. Testing is a great indicator of progress, but spend most of your time building them. Thanks for taking the time to read this stream of consciousness and have a great day.

Basic Powerlifting Program for a Friend

This is meant to be a four day a week lifting programming aiming towards getting him in shape for a powerlifting meet at some point a third day of lower body training might be added. He’s got some miles on the tires so we aren’t being too aggressive, and letting him make choices to hopefully make his body feel better. Week 1 the goal is to hit weights on the top sets that are an RPE of 8, week 2 is 9, week 3 is 10, then deload on week four and restart for the next two to three months then change up the programming.

Day 1

Squat build up to a heavy 5 then drop down 10% and 2-5×5, when gassed move on (bar speed drops and you are starting to grind)

RDLs 2-4×5-12 aim for the higher rep range and go heavy

Single leg movement or leg press 3-5×8-12

Abs – hard ab exercise 3-5×10-20 reps and make sure you push the weights on this

Prehab or accessory movements – pick one or two for just self care at this point.

Day 2

Paused BP 5’s same plan as the squat

Row movement 3-5×8-12

Pull up movement 3-5×10-15

DB incline combo 3-5×4-6 (press left, press right, press both is one rep)

Arm work – pump up

Db laterals and upper back 3-5×8-20

Day 3

DL 5’s drop down 20% and then 2-4×5

SSB or front squats 3-5×8-12, each week increase your total volume meaning more weight or more reps.

Back ext, ghrs, or reverse hypers 3-5×10-20

Single leg movement same programing as day 1

Abs – hard ab exercise 3-5×10-20 reps and make sure you push the weights on this

Day 4

CGBP or your choice of assistance press build up to a 8-10RM and then 3×5-6 with that weight

Chin up movement 3-5×8-12

Rowing movement 3-5×10-15

Military press 5×10

Arm work – pump up

Upper back work 5×10-20

Babysitter Workout Game

Babysitter Workout Game

This was a fun horror movie on Netflix that is worth the entertainment if you have a chance. Be ready to have a pretty good mix of work throughout.

Cole escapes his rope: confines 40 jump rope skips

The book is destroyed: 10 kb clean and press

The book is shown: kb clean

Cult member is killed: 10 burpees

Someone escapes capture: 10 high knees

Sexual Innuendo: 5 hip thrusters

Firefighter or cop on screen: 5 kb chest press

Jumpscare: 5 jumping mountain climbers

BLOOD: 10 band pull a parts

‘Cole’: sit-up ‘Bea’: superman ‘Devil’: kb tricep ‘Babysitter’: kb front raise Knife: jackknife pushup Gun: pistol squat Needle: thread the needle plank Fire: 10 fire hydrants Spider: Spider crawl

Naked Gun Workout Game

Naked Gun Workout Game

So this was a massive throw back but still a super fun movie with crazy amounts of sight gags. If you want to make a rule for that I would make it jumping jacks for each one otherwise it will demolish you. Otherwise have fun and get ready to laugh, also there are some parts that didn’t age well, you will know it when you see it.

“Frank” is said – 5 goblet squats

“Debin” is said – 5 push ups

“Lieutenant” is said – 5 curl to press

OJ Simpson is on screen – mobility work of your choice

Car Crash – 10 lateral raises

Debin is incompetent or misinterprets something – 5 pull ups

Debin narrates – hold a plank

Sexual innuendo is made – 5 frog stance hip thrusts

Debin gets back on the force – burpees your choice on the number

Line that didn’t age well – 10 band pull aparts

80s famous person cameo – 5 lunges each leg

Logan Lucky Movie Workout Game

Logan Lucky Movie Workout Game

This was a surprisingly good movie with a number of solid actors in it. It is a fun heist movie that seems like a southern version of oceans 11. Altogether a good time and the push ups come at you hard and fast later in the film. Otherwise really good blend that is a fun time.

Every time John Denver song plays, is mentioned, or sung by someone – 5 chin-ups

Every time someone is driving – Your favorite hip mobility drill or stretch for duration

Duck Tape appears onscreen –    10 band pull aparts

Someone mentions the family or Logan curse –   5 x  1-arm presses each side

Every time Seth MacFarlane appears onscreen – 10 KB swings

Someone says “cauliflower” –      1 Turkish Get-Up each side

Channing Tatums narrates or describes the heist               – Hollow rock hold

Daniel Craig eats eggs, orders gummy bears, gets naked, or writes a chemical equation – 3 burpees

Someone says “moral reason” or “morality clause” –         10 standing marches each side

Operating system, OS, or software is mentioned – 5 push-ups

George R.R. Martin or Game of Thrones is referenced as books or a TV series –     Split squat hold for duration

Creedence plays in the background –       Deep squat hold for duration

Bra is seen – 10 band pec flyes

Making a race car – power to weight ratios.

Bra is seen – pec flyes