Student Discord Questions Answered from February 2024

Discord questions February 2024

Honors class

02/07/2024 12:39 PM

If you have Anemia is donating plasma beneficial or is it still not recommended?

Likely not great due to losing more iron and other things in your blood even though they aren’t taking from the red blood cell content.

02/13/2024 9:51 AM

Should there be more of a push for cardiovascular training in weightlifting programs since someone’s cardio can become a limiting factor to really heavy lifts?

Yes to a point where you are in shape enough to make it so your muscles are more frequently the limiting factor, but at maximal lifts you will never had the cardiovascular ability to support true maximal weights metabolic demands.

Ex phys

02/05/2024 9:46 PM

When someone is looking to quickly increase the mile time or 2 mile time. They want to increase not only their cardiovascular endurance but also their muscular endurance. Would it be smart to work on increasing their VO2 max first before working on actually getting good at running?

You will likely do both at the same time and good programming should address all of the limiting factors. Though do think to prioritize what you can make the most progress in the fastest when it comes to increasing performance.

02/07/2024 12:24 PM

Can you explain the importance of ADH? Why is it increased during exercise?

The hormone is about fluid retention so if you are sweating you don’t need to be doubling your fluid losses through urine as well.

02/14/2024 5:29 PM

How can lactic acid be good or bad for exercise? Can you explain  how the body uses it for energy?

Lactate is a 3 carbon sugar which can be used for aerobic metabolism, some of it is good as an efficient fuel source the problem is the proton that comes with it and when you pH drops low enough the enzymes for glycolysis start to unfold and no longer function. Any cell that has mitochondria can use lactate as a fuel as well.

02/16/2024 10:51 PM

If self-talk is a psychological aspect of reducing fatigue; can listening to music before or during a workout also do this?

You are looking at more of what systemic fatigue is as well as sympathetic nervous system activation which can influence performance and music and other stimuli will activate this to a degree.

— Yesterday at 3:15 PM

Are first responders taught how to deal with their high levels of epinephrine after an accident? Is there any protocols to watching them or helping them after being in their fight or flight response?

Yes in a number of ways, taught in school about it and then how they do after action reports and the time that they are given to decompress before chatting about the events.


02/07/2024 12:25 PM

Can you explain the difference between a negative energy balance and a positive energy balance? How do they relate to performance and nutrition?

It comes down to a general decreasing on the total net calories in the human body or increasing it. When in a deficit you have to lose those calories form somewhere in the positive you have to add them somewhere and that is what matters.

— 02/09/2024 10:14 PM

If you’re working out in the evenings, is drinking a carbohydrate less effective than in the mornings due to your body being less sensitive to insulin in the evenings?

The working out itself will make your more sensitive to carbs so if you are training hard enough that you are really burning carbs adding more in will be useful.

— 02/14/2024 5:31 PM

What is gastric jostling? Why do we see this as a GI problem during and after exercise?

Literal bouncing of you stomach due to things like running and made worse with lots of food in there that is heavy. Turns out that bouncing is stressing tissues plain and simple.

— 02/17/2024 2:21 PM

If you don’t have enough receptors or sodium available, will your body prioritize taking in glucose or galactose?

It is a symporter so sodium expedites your uptake of glucose. They work together not in opposition.

— Yesterday at 3:13 PM

What happens if your microbiome is being wiped out consistently from antibiotics? Will your body adapt to it or decline in its health?

Still figuring it out but it might have a slight and I mean slight negative effect on health. Your body will be recolonized at some point, so the question is what strains are the ones that recolonize your gut?

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