Getting paid to walk (short post)

So one of my hobbies I picked up since getting a severe concussion is to go on a nice long walk. I try to do this once each day. It seems to help clear my head and tends to make it so I have less issues with my brain on that day, which is always very nice. I do this in the mornings or evenings, but it either way I get it in. There are a number of reasons that I walk, but mostly I’m doing it for the money.

Making that Paper

When walking I come across a penny, nickel, and occasionally a dime or quarter. In fact I find change when walking at about a rate of one coin per week (did the math). So in about a year of long walks I can figure I make about $3.65 (average coin I find being between nickel and a dime). With good compounding interest and another 50+ years of this I figure I might make a grand total of $500.00. We will see what inflation brings there, since that might eat in to it. As you can tell this is a great part time job for me to have. Ok, so the real uses for all this walking comes in other areas.

walking for money
Woot, making that paper!!!

The gains in health

Turns out walking is a very simple form of exercise where you can get some positive effects on not only cardiovascular health, but mental. It can seemingly have positive effect on cognition, idea generation, and problem solving (science). Exercise in general has a positive effect on cognitive function and low intensity work can have these positive effects without additional risks that higher intensity exercise can have and doesn’t leave you fatigued. Walking enough steps has also been related to improving insulin sensitivity. This is important for avoiding things like type 2 diabetes. It can help lower your blood pressure and your resting heart rate. Overall, walking can help improve a number of different parts of your health


Take a walk. It is a simple and cheap way to get in some light recovery work that will help you not only burn calories, but feel better. It helps improve your heath and helps avoid some chronic diseases of living that can occur. So once again go take a walk and pay yourself with good health. Thank for taking a moment to read this short one, but I wanted to share how I’ve been enjoying this.

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